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Episode: | 14 |
Title: | Hungry |
Original Air Date: | March 30, 1995 |
Guest Stars: | Michael Stipe, Lassie, Mujibur & Sirajul |
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(Background music) | |
Space Ghost: | (stomach growls) Oh, the hunger... |
(Opening theme music & titles) | |
Space Ghost: | Welcome to the show! Tonight my guests are pork roast and fishwich... (stomach growls) I mean Michael Stipe and Lassie. So, how was your weekend, Zorak? |
Zorak: | (with British accent) Hey hey hey! |
Space Ghost: | Mine was good too. Eh, say, what's with the action figure? |
Zorak: | There is no weekend. |
Raymond: | Hello. |
Space Ghost: | Yeah, yeah. What's with the action figure? |
Zorak: | We exist in a boundless time continuum. There is no weekend! |
Raymond: | (while Zorak is talking) Hello... Hello... Hello. |
Zorak: | Eh, this is my nephew, Raymond. |
Raymond: | Hello! |
Space Ghost: | Hi, Ray! |
Raymond: | Heh heh.. |
Space Ghost: | So, what do you want to be when you grow up? |
Raymond: | Uh... Locust of 'pocalypse. |
Space Ghost: | Isn't that cute? He can't say apocalypse! Watch this... Hey kid, say "spaghetti". |
Raymond: | Pasghetti. |
Space Ghost: | (laughs) Mmmm, pasghetti. |
Raymond: | Pasghetti! |
Moltar: | (in control room, reading book "Reading is Fun For Mentals") Poc-a-lypse. Pocalypse |
Space Ghost: | Hey, you bugs must have billions of relatives, what with all the eggs you lay. |
Zorak: | Don't ghosts hang around attics and go "boo"? Jerk! |
Space Ghost: | Weren't your mother's people dung beetles? |
Zorak: | (shouting) I am the Lone Locust of the Apocalypse! |
Raymond: | 'Pocalypse? |
Zorak: | Think of me when you look... |
Space Ghost: | Oh, now you're a locust again! Well silly me, I thought you were a mantis! |
Zorak: | Uh, I am! |
Space Ghost: | "I am the Lone Mantis of the Apocalypse." |
Raymond: | (starts giggling) |
Space Ghost: | Wait, better yet: "I am the Lone Fill-in-the-blank of the Apocalypse." How's about that, Zorak, leave enough room for you there, hmm? |
Zorak: | But... |
Space Ghost: | And how about you start wearing a shirt to work from now on, Jack? |
Zorak: | I wear a vest! |
Raymond: | (giggling uncontrollably) |
Zorak: | Say, Ray... |
Raymond: | (stops giggling) Yes? |
Zorak: | Shut up! |
Raymond: | Okay. |
Space Ghost: | Are you guys as hungry as I am? |
Zorak: | (with western accent) Mmmmmm! Hungry, like Hungry Jack hungry? |
Space Ghost: | No, hungry like a muscled-up GI Joe after a tough day in the chopper. |
Zorak: | No, uh uh. |
Raymond: | Yes! |
Zorak: | No, Raymond. |
Raymond: | Yes! |
Zorak: | Nooo, Raymond. |
Raymond: | Yes, Zoltar! |
Zorak: | (shouting) I am Zorak! Zor-ak! |
Raymond: | (starts crying) |
Space Ghost: | (to himself) Oooh, action figure with life-like tears. (aloud) You want a pizza, Raymond? |
Zorak: | Pizza! |
Space Ghost: | Pizza pizza, wittle Waymond. |
Raymond: | (stops crying) Pizza! |
Zorak: | Pizza! |
Raymond: | Peyoni pizza? |
Space Ghost: | Heh heh... Moltar, establish contact with a pizza parlor! (Zorak & Raymond keep shouting "Pizza!" in the background) |
Moltar: | Yes, hang on... all right... okay, let me, uh... (throws lever) |
Mujibur & Sirajul: | (on monitor, waving) Hi, Dave, hi Dave... |
Moltar: | Huh? Dave? |
Mujibur Rahman: | Nice to see you, Dave. |
Moltar: | Earthlings! (throws lever again) |
Sal: | (on monitor) Sal's Pizza Emporium, we bake it, you buy it. |
Moltar: | Ah hah... (zaps image to Space Ghost's monitor) |
Sal: | What'll ya have, mister? |
Space Ghost: | Greetings, pizza merchant. We wish to order a pie with... |
Sal: | Outta anchovies. |
Space Ghost: | ... you guys like anchovies? |
Zorak: | How about seal? |
Space Ghost: | Too chewy. |
Zorak: | Mmm, yeah. Carp? |
Space Ghost: | You have carp? |
Sal: | Nope. |
Space Ghost: | Awwww... |
Moltar: | Haddock. |
Raymond: | Waffles. Carp waffles! |
Sal: | Fresh outta carp waffles already. |
Moltar: | Hey, hey, haddock. |
Space Ghost: | We could get grouper... |
Moltar: | No, no, haddock! |
Space Ghost: | I've got it... Orange roughy! |
Zorak: | Yeah, get it bloated! |
Moltar: | Hey, how about haddock!? |
Space Ghost: | We'd like a pizza with bloated orange roughy, please. |
Zorak: | No, wait! Sun-bloated, yeah, get it sun-bloated! |
Space Ghost: | Sorry. Sun-bloated, okay? |
Sal: | Yeah, yeah. Hey, Mookie! Gimme one large pie, with sun-bloated orange roughy. |
Space Ghost: | Pronto, with bells on, PDQ! |
Zorak: | Make sure it's bloated. |
Sal: | Alright already! (screen zaps off) |
Space Ghost: | Mmmmm, orange groupie. |
Raymond: | Roughy! |
Space Ghost: | Whatever. My first guest is one of several thousand collies who have gone by the name of Lassie. But this is the real one! |
Zorak: | Objection! |
Raymond: | Yeah, the Jetsons! |
Space Ghost: | Order! (screen lowers) |
Raymond: | Oooh, puppy! |
Space Ghost: | Order! |
Raymond: | Doggy! |
Space Ghost: | Shh! Don't startle the dog guest. |
Raymond: | (quietly) Sorry. |
Space Ghost: | Gee, you're a nice doggy, Lassie. |
Lassie: | Bark! |
Space Ghost: | So, what you been up to? |
Lassie: | Bark! Bark! |
Space Ghost: | Yeah, I know! Does it ever itch right here? |
Lassie: | Bark! |
Space Ghost: | You could get some salve. (No response) Okay. Now here's a high-pitch sound only you can hear. AAAAAAAAAEEEEEAAAAAEEEAAAAHHHH!! Uh! |
Lassie: | (tilts head to one side) |
Zorak: | You idiot! We can all hear that! |
Space Ghost: | No you can't. You're bluffing. |
Zorak: | Am not! You're saying, "AAAAAEEEEEAAAAHHHH!!" |
Space Ghost: | Well, how 'bout this? Meemeemeemeemeemeemeemeemeemee... |
Raymond: | (in unison, at higher pitch) Meemeemeemeemeemeemee... |
Zorak: | (interrupting) No! |
Lassie: | Bark! Bark! |
Space Ghost: | What is it, girl? |
Lassie: | Bark! |
Space Ghost: | There's trouble at the ranch? |
Lassie: | Bark! |
Space Ghost: | Hmmm... trouble at the farm. |
Lassie: | Bark! |
Space Ghost: | You say Brak was bitten by a rattlesnake? |
Lassie: | Bark! |
Space Ghost: | Where is he, girl? |
Lassie: | Bark! |
Space Ghost: | He's at old man Tibby's farm? |
Lassie: | Bark! |
Space Ghost: | Farms have chickens. Corn! Let's ride! (flies off) |
Lassie: | (waits a while, then walks off) |
Space Ghost: | (returns) Uh, where's that farm again? (monitor screen is just static) (in low voice) Oh, she's gone. (normal voice) Say, is that pizza here yet? |
Raymond: | Uh uh. |
Space Ghost: | What say we enjoy the aroma of food with my smell ray. Stand back! (zap!) |
Zorak: | (sniff!) Bacon! |
Raymond: | Ah! Horsy! |
Space Ghost: | Okay, guess this one! (zap!) |
Zorak: | Mmmm, pancreas! |
Raymond: | Donkey? |
Zorak: | No, pancreas. |
Space Ghost: | And this one? (zap!) |
Zorak: | Chlorine! |
Raymond: | Pony! |
Zorak: | No, Ray. Chlorine! |
Raymond: | No, look! Pretty pony! |
Jumbles: | Neigh! |
Space Ghost: | (screen shows words "INSERT HORSE") Oh, yeah, that's Jumbles. |
Raymond: | Pretty Jumbles! |
Sal: | (on control room monitor) Look, Iron Man, for the last time, I can't send you a raw pizza. |
Moltar: | Just gimme the dough, I can cook it in twenty seconds. |
Sal: | Twenty seconds? What you got over there, a nuclear reactor? |
Moltar: | Sal, Sal, listen... Gimme the dough. |
Space Ghost: | Moltar, where's that pizza? It's been over five minutes. |
Moltar: | Pizza guy on line 2. |
Space Ghost: | Ah, the pizza man. Greetings, pizza merchant. Greetings, pizza merchant. |
Sal: | ... Nobody cooks pizza in only twenty seconds. |
Raymond: | Hello. |
Space Ghost: | Hey... |
Zorak: | Hey, Raymond! |
Space Ghost: | ... Hey... |
Zorak: | Stop! |
Space Ghost: | ... Where's my pizza? |
Raymond: | (chomp!) |
Jumbles: | Neigh!! (galloping) |
Space Ghost: | What happened? |
Zorak: | Raymond bit jumbles. |
Space Ghost: | What? |
Sal: | Who's Jumbles? |
Space Ghost: | He's my horse. Is he okay? |
Zorak: | I dunno. Maybe. |
Sal: | So is the horse all right or what? |
Space Ghost: | I don't know. Hey! Where's my pizza? |
Sal: | Well, it's like this. Mookie, the guy making your pizza, right, turns out he's allergic to orange roughy, so he got all hivey and stuff, but now he's making you another pie. |
Raymond: | Is Mookie okay? |
Sal: | Whoahoahoa! Hey, Mookie! You gotta check this out! The baby maggot's talking! |
Zorak: | Mantis! |
Raymond: | Hello. |
Mookie: | Freaky! |
Zorak: | Freaky? |
Jumbles: | (snorts) |
Zorak: | Freaky. |
Sal: | Hey, that horse, he don't look so good. What's his name? Jingles? |
Space Ghost: | Jumbles. |
Jumbles: | Neigh! |
Sal: | Yeah, Jumbles. He looks lame. You better put him down. |
Space Ghost: | Look here, pizza man. I'm Space Ghost, I'm hungry, I've got a talking voodoo doll taking chunks out of my horse and I want my pizza! (pounds fist) |
Zorak: | Freaky Mookie! |
Sal: | Okay, okay. Just trying to help. |
Space Ghost: | All right. So we're, we're okay, we're fine? |
Jumbles: | (snort) |
Zorak: | (playing theme music) |
Raymond: | Quit steppin' on me! Stop it! Stop! |
Zorak: | (done playing music) |
Raymond: | Uhh. |
Space Ghost: | You better slap a muzzle on that scaled down piece of evil. |
Zorak: | You better get that pizza! |
Raymond: | Yeah! |
Jumbles: | (Neigh!) |
Space Ghost: | Come on, Jumbles, walk it off. (pause) |
Space Ghost: | Hallelujah! It's Michael Stipe! (pause) |
Michael Stipe: | Heh. (pause) |
Space Ghost: | What are those things on your face? |
Michael Stipe: | Those are my intergalactic space glasses. |
Space Ghost: | Uh huh. What can you do with those? |
Michael Stipe: | I can see right through you, Space Ghost. |
Space Ghost: | Uh huh. |
Zorak: | Freaky. |
Space Ghost: | So, Mr. Magno-Specs, your new album's called "Monster"? What's up with that? |
Michael Stipe: | The new record is, um, it's like, uh, it's a, it's a... |
Space Ghost: | (mocking, in unison) Uh, it's a, it's a ... |
Michael Stipe: | ... it's a concept record. |
Space Ghost: | A concept record! |
Michael Stipe: | It's a, it's a, it's like a layman's, it's like a layman's, it's like a layman's, like a layman's, a layman's, uh... |
Space Ghost: | It's a, ummmm, it's like a layman's, ummm, there's stuff on your lip, uh, layman's, uh, layman's, uh, layman's, uh... |
Michael Stipe: | ... a laymen's dissertation on... |
Space Ghost: | on, on, tip of my tongue, on... |
Michael Stipe: | ... the black hole phenomenon. |
Space Ghost: | ... on the black hole phenomenon! (pause) |
Raymond: | What's, what's this do? (zap!) |
Space Ghost: | Okay, Mike, I'm going to send you a high-pitched message that only you can hear! |
Zorak: | (to himself) Why me? |
Space Ghost: | (opens mouth, extremely high pitch sound) |
Michael Stipe: | (tilts head to one side) No message, Space Ghost. |
Space Ghost: | Okay then, sing that song, sing that, "Shiny Shiny People" song. |
Michael Stipe: | No. |
Space Ghost: | I'll get you started. (sings) "Shiny shiny people, shiny shiny people..." |
Michael Stipe: | I hate that song, Space Ghost. |
Space Ghost: | Oh, me too, Michael, me too. Say, Mike, do think I'm a shiny shiny person? |
Michael Stipe: | I would say yes. |
Space Ghost: | Yes? |
Michael Stipe: | Yes. |
Space Ghost: | You're sure? |
Michael Stipe: | Yes, absolutely. |
Space Ghost: | You don't see some dark, horrible corner inside of me somewhere? |
Michael Stipe: | No, none. |
Space Ghost: | Okay. You're sure? |
Michael Stipe: | Yep. |
Zorak: | I have a question. Is that you in the corner? |
Michael Stipe: | (looks down under glasses) |
Zorak: | (points) That way, in the corner! (picture of Zorak's band, with Michael Stipe's face in lower right corner of screen, rubbing front teeth) |
Michael Stipe: | That's me in the corner, yeah. |
Zorak: | Freaky! |
Space Ghost: | So what's next for you? What's on your plate? (stomach growls) Ohh! |
Michael Stipe: | Um, I'm going to drive to dinner. |
Zorak: | Take us! |
Michael Stipe: | No. |
Raymond: | I wanna go! |
Zorak: | Take us, please! |
Michael Stipe: | No. |
Zorak: | C'mon, Stipe! Give us a break! Buy us some dinner! |
Raymond: | I wanna sit down. |
Zorak: | Shut up! |
Space Ghost: | Well, how about him, will he take us? |
Michael Stipe: | (in the corner) Yes, absolutely! |
Space Ghost: | Great! See ya! (zaps MS off screen of main monitor) |
Moltar: | (to MS in control room) Just me, Moltar, outta lines, hangin' out. |
Space Ghost: | (to himself) I'm so hungry, I'm lightheaded! (aloud) May I have a hall pass, Miss Steckler? I wanna go home now, Miss Steckler... (passes out & comes to) |
Zorak: | (mocking) I wanna go too, Miss Steckler. |
Space Ghost: | Zorak, where's your nephew? |
Zorak: | Who? Oh, I devoured him. |
Space Ghost: | (shouting) That's barbaric! (quietly) Is there any left? |
Zorak: | Um... (swallows) No. |
Space Ghost: | (quietly) I'm gonna miss the little guy. (screen fades & freezes) |
Space Ghost: | (in foreground) Let's look back at all the fun we had with our special friend, Raymond. |
(Melancholy background music plays. Screen title: "Raymond, A Special Friend". Still shots of:) | |
(Space Ghost, Zorak, and Raymond at Mt. Rushmore dressed up as tourists. Raymond's T-shirt says "I (heart) Apocalypse") | |
(Raymond and Moltar in a bathtub in the middle of a busy street) | |
(Space Ghost, Zorak, and Raymond in drag in front of a boarded up theatre) | |
(Space Ghost and Raymond flying kites with a tornado behind them) | |
(fade out) | |
Space Ghost: | (sounding light-headed) I think I should see the nurse, Miss Steckler. (shouting) Moltar! Get me that pizza boy! |
Mujibur & Sirajul: | (waving) Hi, Dave! Hi, Dave! |
Space Ghost: | I'm not Dave. I'm Space Ghost! Who are you two? |
Mujibur Rahman: | I am Mujibur, and this is Sirajul. |
Sirajul Islam: | Hello, Space Ghost. |
Mujibur Rahman: | Hmmm, Space Ghost, that's the name on our pizza. (points to pizza box labeled "To Space Ghost, Ghost Planet") |
Space Ghost: | That's my pizza! |
Sirajul Islam: | Thank you for the gift. |
Mujibur Rahman: | Mmmm! Orange roughy! |
Mujibur & Sirajul: | (laugh uncontrollably) |
(Credits roll) | |
Space Ghost: | That's a good Jumbles. Feeling better now? |
Jumbles: | Yeah. |
GUEST STARS Michael Stipe Lassie Mujibur Rahman Sirajul Islam |
WRITERS Spike Feresten Steve O'Donnell |
EDITORS Michael Cahill (inverted) Tom Roche |
MUSIC Sonny Sharrock Eddie Horst |
MUSICIANS Sonny Sharrock Lance Carter Eddie Horst Alfrieda Gerald |
VOICES George Lowe C. Martin Croker |
SAL Dennis Mehiel |
MOOKIE Brian Welch |
ANIMATION C. Martin Croker Chris Harmon |
SOUND DESIGN Roy Clements |
CAMERA Dennis Bassarab |
AUDIO Michael Reff |
SPECIAL THANKS Hanna-Barbera Fred Seibert CNN Ken Chamberlain Dave Farmer Butterbean Jeff Barron Dave Dubiel Worldwide Pants |
PRODUCER Michael Cahill |
PRODUCER Matthew Maiellaro |
PRODUCER Keith Crofford |
PRODUCER Michael Lazzo |
© 1995 Cartoon Network, Inc. All rights reserved.
Animated Characters TM & © 1966 Hanna Barbera Productions, Inc.
All Rights reserved.
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