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Episode: | 39 |
Title: | Pilot |
Original Air Date: | August 21, 1997 |
Guest Stars: | Lori Fetrick, Steve Henneberry |
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(Classical music plays in background) | |
(Lokar sits in a comfy chair) | |
Lokar: | Good evening, I am Lokar, potentate of thug locusts, bringing you a very special glimpse at an historic episode of Space Ghost, Coast to Coast. Not many people know that in the early stages of this programme, there was a contract dispute, in which the outcome was the last-minute hiring of sub-standard Earth hero Birdman. I will be showing you many clips and out-takes from this fiasco tonight. I present to you now, the r-r-remains of Birdman, Coast to Coast. Enjoy! |
(Film count-down, with projector sounds) | |
(Opening Birdman Coast to Coast them & titles) | |
Birdman, fun as in transmission, Birdman, in the middle of the night, When you're there for Birdman, Diggin' uncle Birdman! | |
Birdman: | What if I have to go to the bathroom during the interview? |
Bob: | Relax, Harv, you'll be fine. Hey, stop worryin'. Now, I'd like you to meet the show's director, Moltar. |
Birdman: | Hey, Moltar, good to have ya aboard. |
Moltar: | Yeah, well it's this, or back to solitary. |
Bob: | Harvey, this is Lokar, he'll be your band leader. |
Lokar: | I prefer "musical ar-r-r-ranger", if you don't mind? Any upright anthropomorph with an appendage or two can "tickle the ivories". (plays a classical piano excerpt) Anywho, it's a delight to meet you, Birdman, charmed, I'm sure. |
Birdman: | What's with this guy, is he gonna do this on the show? |
Moltar: | Uhhh, I gotta question. |
Bob: | Yeah, babe, shoot. |
Moltar: | Um, just exactly, um... What do I do? |
Bob: | I told you, you just push the lever up and down, okay? |
Moltar: | Up, down... (pushes lever up and down, control room monitor shows off-screen shot of Avenger) Up, down... (pushes lever up and down, monitor shows Lokar in keyboard pod) Down... (pushes lever) Wait a minute! |
(Beep!) | |
(Shot of empty set; Birdman crashes through ceiling, feet dangling) | |
Birdman: | Uh, a little help up here. |
(Beep!) | |
Birdman: | (flies down from above, lands on stage; speaks nervously) Um, good evening, um, welcome to the show, I'm, er, your host, uh.. (echo effect) Biiiiiiird Maaaaaaan! (camera lens cracks, woman screams) Do I have to pay for that? |
(Beep!) | |
Birdman: | Good evening everyone, um, I'm your show, Birdman... hey, I'm sorry, sorry. |
(Beep!) | |
Birdman: | I just flew in from the coast, and, and, and boy, are my arms... oh, wings, you wanted wings there? I mean, wings.. |
(Beep!) | |
Birdman: | Okay, okay, okay, okay. Eh, we do it again? |
(Beep!) | |
Birdman: | Um, well... Hey, have you heard about this, grunge rock music the kids are into? It's, um, pretty weird... |
Lokar: | Yippity yappity yappity! My good man, what are you going on about? |
Birdman: | Um, I'm trying to do my opening monologue. |
Lokar: | Opening monologue? It sounded more like you were delivering a eulogy! (laughs) |
(Beep!) | |
Avenger: | (squawks) |
Birdman: | (whispers) Should I start now? |
Bob: | Yeah. |
Birdman: | Howdy, folks, let's say hello to our director, uh... |
Moltar: | Moltar! |
Birdman: | My faithful sidekick, Avenger. |
Avenger: | (bows, then squawks) |
Birdman: | And our band leader... |
Lokar: | Musical di-r-r-rector, Lokar! Observe! (plays something classical on keyboard) |
Birdman: | (sighs) |
Zorak: | (off camera) You're pathetic, Lokar. |
Birdman: | What was that? |
Lokar: | What was that? |
Bob: | Well, that's Zorak... |
Zorak: | Hello. |
Bob: | He's our backup bug, you know, in case somethin' happens to Liberace here? |
Lokar: | I wish my br-r-r-other George was here! |
(Beep!) | |
Birdman: | Oh, I'm stupid! |
Bob: | Yeah, just pick up where you left off, Harv, it'll work, just fine. |
Birdman: | Um, tonight's guests are, um... Who are the guests, anyway? |
Moltar: | Ice and Tower, American Gladiators. |
Birdman: | Is that it? Oh well, ladies and gentlemen, tonight's guests, Tower and Ice. |
(Monitor lowers with Tower and Ice, followed by dead silence) | |
Bob: | Harvey? |
Lokar: | Well, what are you waiting for, say something. |
Birdman: | I will, just gimme a second. (pause) What should I say? |
Bob: | Anything you like, just, uh, just wing it. okay, Harv? |
Birdman: | (pause) Ohhhhh, the pressure! |
(Beep!) | |
Birdman: | Um, welcome, Ice and Tower, it's, it's great to have you here. |
Ice: | (laughs) |
Birdman: | Ummmm... |
Tower: | How are you doin'? I mean, are you... |
Birdman: | Well, not so great, actually, I've got my entire life riding on this show, and if it doesn't work out, it probably means the end of my marriage and my career. |
Lokar: | Oh, my, gape at me, I'm the pitiful tr-ragic Birdman. I flit about in total depression! Oh, poor pitiful me! My world is an irventine pile! |
Birdman: | Okay, that's enough. I can't work with this bug. He's getting on my nerves, and I don't understand a thing he says anyways. |
Bob: | Harvey, Harvey, calm down. Just do the show, okay? |
Birdman: | Yeah, okay. |
Lokar: | My hatred for you... is delicious. |
(Beep!) | |
Avenger: | (squawks and squawks, in background) |
Birdman: | So, what's your position, uh, on this grunge music? |
Tower: | I'd have to say my favorite event is the joust, um, it's a great feeling... |
Lokar: | I say, can't you do anything to squelch the cacophonous squawking of your mite-ridden cohort? |
Birdman: | Speak English, sissy. |
Lokar: | Might I suggest that the beast may provide more entertainment value if I lop its shrieking head off! |
Birdman: | That's it! Avenger, ho! |
Avenger: | (streaks across stage toward Lokar, beats the living bejeebers out of him) |
(film trailer, end of movie reel noise) | |
Lokar: | I'm sorry... But seeing that again... Oh, please! Oh, please, go away! |
Lokar: | And now, the conclusion of Birdman Coast to Coast. And Mother, stop the VCR, your Sonny Boy's not in this part. |
(Film count-down, with projector sounds) | |
Zorak: | (in keyboard pod, plays "Chopsticks") (to Moltar) Lokar's in the hospital. (evil laugh) |
(Beep!) | |
Birdman: | So, what's it like being a Gladiator? |
Ice: | It's, uh, it's a lifestyle that's a lot of fun, being Gladiator and superhero among kids. |
Birdman: | You actually consider yourselves superheroes? |
Tower: | Yeah. |
Birdman: | Hah! You fight mere mortals. Superheroes fight villains, evil villains. |
Ice: | Actually, I do think we fight evil villains, don't we? |
Tower: | Well, we got some people, yeah, they're pretty doggone evil, I'll tell you that. |
Birdman: | Yeah, right. Look out for Ted, the volunteer fireman. Woooo! |
Tower: | Are you challenging us? |
Zorak: | Sounds like a challenge to me! |
Birdman: | Listen, Zorak, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. |
Zorak: | I don't like you now. |
Tower & Ice: | (laugh) |
Moltar: | (laughs) |
Birdman: | Can't I get any respect around here? On my own show? |
Tower & Ice: | No, probably not |
Moltar: | No. |
Birdman: | I demand respect, I'm Birdman! (echo effect) Biiiiiird Maaaaaan! |
Zorak: | Yeah, whatever. |
Birdman: | Ooooh, I hate you, I hate you all! (flies off) |
Tower: | Now, if he was a Gladiator, what would we call him? Like, Creampuff or something? (laughs) |
Moltar: | (laughs) |
Zorak: | (laughs) That's rich! |
Birdman: | (flies back) I heard that! |
(Beep!) | |
Bob: | Harvey! Harvey, pull yourself together! It's gettin' late here, man. |
Birdman: | Okay, okay, get off my back! (Holy Ra! Sun's going down! Must finish interview before my secret is revealed!) |
Bob: | Harvey, while we're young, alright? |
Birdman: | Um, okay. Y'know, my wife always wants me to do things around the house, like move stuff, y'know, open the pickle jar. |
Tower: | The pickle jar? (laughs) |
Ice: | The pickle jar. |
Birdman: | Do you have that problem? |
Ice: | You know, this is what I tell people, a lot of people want me to open jars, help them move. These muscles are for show. (laughs) |
Birdman: | (dozes off for a second) |
Tower: | Later, not! (laughs) |
Ice: | These things really don't work! (laughs) |
Birdman: | Actually, my wife is thinking of leaving me. |
Tower & Ice: | (laugh) |
Birdman: | I'm serious. |
(Beep!) | |
Ice: | Imagine about twenty thousand people watching you... |
Birdman: | (nodding off as she speaks) |
Ice: | And it's very dark on the floor, and you can't see anything in front of you, and I tripped on a mat! (laughs) |
Birdman: | (asleep at his desk) |
Moltar: | Birdman! |
Birdman: | (wakes up) Uh, here, here. |
Bob: | Harvey, you all right? |
Birdman: | Uh, wha? Oh, um, sorry, uh, low blood sugar. |
Bob: | Hey, can, can we get a peon to bring this loser some coffee? |
Moltar: | Creeeeam Puff! |
(Beep!) | |
Bob: | What do you mean you can't do this show at night? |
Birdman: | (struggling to stay away) Without.. sun's.. rays.. Birdman.. loses.. energy. |
Bob: | You gotta be kiddin' me! Falcon 7 didn't say anything about this! |
Birdman: | Wait.. 'til.. morning.. Birdman.. be.. fine. (drops head on desk, falls asleep) |
Zorak: | Well, thanks for coming, guys. Say good night, Birdman. |
Birdman: | (mumbles in his sleep) Uh, goodnight, Bird... man. |
Ice: | Thank you. |
Birdman: | Goodnight... |
Tower: | Cream puff. (both laugh) |
Moltar: | I guess it's past his bedtime. |
Zorak: | Let's cook him. I bet he tastes like chicken. (laughs) |
Birdman: | (talking in his sleep) I'll be good... |
Bob: | Harvey! |
Birdman: | (wakes up) Uh, oh, uh, are we done? |
Bob: | No, Harvey, but you are. |
Birdman: | What? |
Bob: | Birdman, YOU'RE FIRED! |
Moltar: | (laughs) |
Zorak: | (laughs) Yeah! |
Birdman: | Look, you can't do this to me. I need this job! I'll do anything! I'll get a sunlamp, you don't understand, you can't fire me, I'm the Birdman! |
Zorak: | The Birdman? |
Birdman: | The Birdman's alright, he's okay! Don't you know who you're dealing with here? The Birdman, the Birdman! Biiiiird Maan! (collapses on his desk, sobs, then falls asleep again) |
Moltar: | So, I guess we're cancelled, right? |
Zorak: | Hey, good news, everyone! I just got off the phone with Tad Ghostal's agent, and everything's copacetic. Tomorrow, we start shooting "Space Ghost Coast to Coast". How about that, gang? |
Moltar: | (screams) |
Zorak: | (screams) |
(Film trailer, end of movie reel noise) | |
Lokar: | And so, Birdman's tears flowed on and on. A little birdie told me he's now selling tent campers in Indiana. 'Tis true! I hear that if you say that Avenger sent you, the propane tanks are free! Good night, all! Kiss kiss! |
(Credits roll) | |
Birdman: | (very tired voice) Biiiiird Maaaaan.... (head hits the desk) |
GUEST STARS Lori Fetrick Steve Henneberry |
WRITERS Evan Dorkin Sarah Dyer |
EDITORS Ken Brady PJ Neely Jay Bellissimo (inverted) Tom Roche |
BIRDMAN'S THEME "Diggin' Uncle Birdman" |
MUSIC Terry Adams |
LYRICS David Greenberger |
VOCALS Joey Spampinato Dorothy Sands |
NRBQ IS Terry Adams Tom Ardolino Joey Spampinato Johnny Spampinato |
VOICES C. Martin Croker Scott Finnell Andy Merrill Tom Arcuragi |
DESIGN COMPANY Big Deal Cartoons |
ANIMATORS C. Martin Croker David M. Strandquist Matthew I. Jenkins Les Harper Stephanie Gladden |
ART DIRECTOR Randall Lane |
AUDIO EDITOR Michael Kohler |
DIGITAL COMPOSITORS Butch Seibert Dave Sillman |
INK & PAINT Ken Clarke Maury Ingram Paul Markowski Bob Pettitt |
EDIT ASSISTS Michael Padgett Paul Wilson Don Bowens |
INTERN Jason Daffner |
SPECIAL THANKS Hanna Barbera Gwen Montgomery Jay Edwards John Miller Man...or Astro-man? |
PRODUCERS Pete Smith Andy Merrill Chip Duffey |
GLOVES Michael Lazzo |
© 1997 Cartoon Network, Inc. All rights reserved.
Animated Characters TM & © 1966 Hanna Barbera Productions, Inc.
All Rights reserved.
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