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Title: | A Space Ghost Christmas |
Original Air Date: | December 24, 1994 |
Guest Stars: | Council of Doom, Kevin Meaney |
Synopsis: | Space Ghost, Zorak, Moltar and the Council of Doom provide festive interpretations of classic Christmas tunes. These musical improvisations are nestled between three past episodes (they have been different each time the Christmas special has aired). |
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Announcer: | Welcome to a Space Ghost Christmas. There's snow everywhere, and we're in space, and other things are happening! Hey! Here he is now, the bringer of cheer and goodness, Spaaaace Ghoooost! |
Space Ghost: | (invisos in) Here we are... (horribly pronounced "Feliz Navidad") Fell-izz Na-Navy-dad, citizens, and welcome to Christmas in outer space! |
Zorak: | Look! It's snowing! |
Space Ghost: | Sure is, my little nutcracker prince. (mumbles "baby talk") |
Zorak: | Snow! Snow! Snow! ... (keeps repeating in background) |
Moltar: | I hate snow! |
Space Ghost: | Calm down, my little Christmas goose! Come under the mistletoe and give me a smooch. |
Zorak: | (stops saying "snow!") (stares at Space Ghost in silence) (pause) Snow! (pause) Bah! Humbug! |
Space Ghost: | Don't be a Scrooge, Zorak! Tonight we're going to run some of my favorite shows, and sing some carols! (reindeer noise and jingle bells in background) Hey! Hey! What's that? (SINGS) "Do you hear what I hear?" It sounds like... it sounds like... |
(Music begins; Space Ghost and Zorak "sing") | |
Up on the housetop, reindeer pause, Out jumps good old Santa Claus, Down through the chimney with lots of toys, All for the little ones, Christmas joys. Ho ho ho, | |
Zorak: | Who wouldn't know? |
Space Ghost: | Ho ho ho, |
Zorak: | Look, it's my toe! |
Space Ghost: | Up on the house top, click click click, Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick. First comes the stocking of little Nell, Oh, dear Santa, fill it well, Give her a dolly that laughs and cries, |
Zorak: | Wah! |
Space Ghost: | One that will open and shut her eyes. Ho ho ho! |
Zorak: | Ha ha ha! |
Space Ghost: | Ho ho ho! |
Zorak: | Hee hee hee! |
Space Ghost: | Up on the house top, click click click, Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick. |
Zorak: | (in background) Click click click, click... click... click click click. |
Space Ghost: | Yo ho ho, |
Zorak: | And a bottle of rum. |
Space Ghost: | Yo ho ho! |
Zorak: | Click click click, (keeps clicking in background) |
Space Ghost: | Up on the house top, click click click, Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick. Mmmm mmm. (hums to himself) |
Zorak: | Click click click, ca-lick, ca-lick. |
Space Ghost: | (still humming) Oh, sorry. |
Zorak: | The stupid Christmas Special will be right back. |
Zorak: | Kiss me, I'm missing a toe. |
Space Ghost: | Welcome back to "A Space Ghost Christmas". Now, let's take a look at one of my prettiest interviews! |
(Insert random episode) | |
Space Ghost: | You know, the smell of frozen snow always brings back the memories of when I was a little Space Ghost, in the choir! |
(Music begins; Space Ghost and Zorak "sing") | |
Space Ghost: | Deck the halls with boughs of holly, |
Zorak: | Gabba gabba hey, gabba gabba gabba hey. |
Space Ghost: | That's not how it goes! |
Zorak: | Yes it is. |
Space Ghost: | Oh. (pause) Moltar, start over. |
Moltar: | (rewinds tape to start of song) |
Space Ghost: | Deck the halls with boughs of holly, |
Zorak: | Gabba hey, gabba gabba hey hey hey. |
Space Ghost: | 'Tis the season to be jolly, |
Zorak: | Gabba hey, gabba gabba hey hey hey. |
Space Ghost: | Don we now our gay apparel, |
Zorak: | Gabba hey, gabba hey, click click click hey! |
Space Ghost: | Troll the ancient Yuletide carol, |
Zorak: | Gabba gabba hey, gabba hey hey hey. |
Space Ghost: | Don we now our gay apparel, |
Zorak: | Gabba hey, gabba hey, gabba gabba hey hey. |
Space Ghost: | Troll the ancient Yuletide carol, (mouth not moving) |
Zorak: | Gabba gabba hey, gabba hey hey hey, Gabba gabba hey, hey hey hey hey! (mouth not moving, except for last "hey!") |
Moltar: | See the blazing Yule before us. (watching Santa on "CHiPs" motorcycle) |
Zorak: | Gabba hey, gabba gabba hey hey hey. |
Space Ghost: | Strike the harp and join the chorus, |
Zorak: | Gabba gabba hey, gabba gabba hey hey. |
Space Ghost: | Follow me in merry measure, (flies through ceiling) |
Zorak: | Gabba hey, gabba hey, gabba gabba hey hey. |
Space Ghost: | While I tell of Yuletide treasure, (out in space) |
Zorak: | Gabba gabba hey, gabba hey hey hey. |
Space Ghost: | (falls back onto stage floor) |
Zorak: | Gab-ba hey, gabba hey hey. |
Space Ghost: | Don we now our gay apparel, |
Zorak: | Gabba hey, gabba hey, gabba gabba hey hey. |
Space Ghost: | Don we now our gay apparel, |
Zorak: | Gabba hey, gabba hey, gabba gabba hey hey. |
Space Ghost: | Don we now our gay apparel, |
Zorak: | Gabba gabba hey, gabba hey gabba hey, Gabba gabba hey, hey hey hey hey! |
Space Ghost: | That just didn't sound right. |
Zorak: | Click! |
Space Ghost: | Ehhh... Christmas is a warm time, a warm time of togetherness and family, of love and happiness. Y'know, that reminds me of the time Moltar was kidnapped! Heh heh heh heh... |
(Insert random episode) | |
Space Ghost: | Here they are - my most evil and hideous of villains from space, Metallus, Tansut, Lokar... |
Zorak: | (hisses) |
Space Ghost: | Zorak, that's not very Christmasy... Brak, and Black Widow! They're here to sing "The 12 Days of Christmas"! |
All: | On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, |
Brak: | Hi, my name is Brak! |
All: | On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, |
Metallus: | Two plus eight is ten, |
Brak: | Hi, my name is Brak! |
All: | On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, |
Lokar: | Three reruns of "What's Happening," |
Metallus: | Two plus eight is ten, |
Brak: | Hi, my name is Brak! |
All: | On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, |
Tansut: | Four quesadillas, |
Lokar: | Three reruns of "What's Happening," |
Metallus: | Two plus eight is ten, |
Brak: | Hi, my name is Brak! |
All: | On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, |
Black Widow: | Leonard Nimoy sings! |
Tansut: | Four quesadillas, |
Lokar: | Three reruns of "What's Happening," |
Metallus: | Two plus eight is ten, |
Brak: | Hi, my name is Brak! |
Space Ghost: | Enough! That was pitiful. |
Zorak: | Click click click. |
Space Ghost: | Here's another show while Moltar bakes us some Christmas goodies. (sniff sniff) What's that smell, Moltar? |
Moltar: | It's your butt roasting over an open fire. |
Space Ghost: | Watch this next show, I've got a goose to cook. |
(Insert random episode) | |
Space Ghost: | Y'know, Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without Zorak doing the dance of the candy canes for us. |
Zorak: | What! |
Space Ghost: | Come on Zorak, it's Aunt Mattie's favorite! |
Zorak: | Uggghhhhuuuccck. |
Space Ghost: | Well, how about Jingle Bells? |
Zorak: | Okay! One two three four! (band starts playing) Hello Cleveland! Anarchy in Jingle Bell Land! Yowwwww! Jingle bells, jingle bells, yeah, alright! Jingle, jingle, jingle bells, yeah, wa-wow! God save the Queen! Yeah yeah yeah! She ain't a human being! Click click click click click click click! Hee hee hee! Alright! Thank you! |
Kevin Meaney: | (appears for 0.5 seconds, looking puzzled) |
Zorak: | Jingle bells, jingle bells, clickin' all the way, I bought some clickin' jingle bells for cheap at Pick 'n Pay. Jingle bells, eh, er, um... click click click click, Don we now our gay apparel! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah yeah yeah! Bring it on home, boys! Jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle bells! Yowwwww! Good night, San Diego! You cats are beautiful! |
Space Ghost: | Well, that's it. Thanks for watching! See you next Christmas! Peace on Earth and good will towards men. |
All: | We wish you a Happy Birthday, We wish you a Happy Birthday, We wish you a Happy Birthday, and a Happy Birthday! |
Moltar: | We wish you a Happy Birthday, We wish you a Happy Birthday, We... man, this bites... and a Happy Birthday! |
Zorak: | A Happy Birthday, to you and your kin, we wish you a Happy Birthday and a Happy click click! |
Space Ghost: | Take me to the bridge. |
All: | Now bring us some figgy pudding, Now bring us some figgy pudding, Now bring us some figgy pudding, and bring some right here. |
Metallus: | We wish you a happy merry, Merry merry happy birthday, We wish you a Christmas birthday, and a New Year's birthmas! |
All: | Good tidings to you, And all of your flesh, We wish you some figgy pudding, and a nice Halloween! |
Space Ghost: | We wish you a merry birthmas, and a Christmas New Year! |
(Credits roll) | |
Announcer: | A Space Ghost Christmas has been brought to you by... by some things... right, right over there! Goodnight, everybody! |
GUEST Kevin Meaney |
WRITER Matthew Maiellaro |
EDITOR (inverted) Tom Roche |
AUDIO Paige Lillard Roy Clements |
MUSIC The Needle Drop Nine |
VOICES George Lowe C. Martin Croker Don Kennedy Andy Merrill Tanya Bergan Michael Tew |
POST PRODUCTION Crawford Communications |
SENIOR PRODUCER Keith Crofford |
© 1994 Cartoon Network, Inc. All rights reserved.
Animated Characters TM & © 1966 Hanna Barbera Productions, Inc.
All Rights reserved.
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